About insecurity, masks and boys

Hi beautiful girls! How are you today! I hope you're having a blessed day today and remember to thank God for all the good things in life! I shall introduce myself first. My name is Rachèl, I'm a senior in high school and I am currently 17 years old. I love people, dancing, listening to music, writing and spending time with God. Today I wanted to talk to you about something everybody struggles with, especially teens like yourself. It's insecurity. We all want to feel loved and be accepted. When you're a teen, your body is changing, your personality is changing and the people around you are changing and on top of that, our feelings go up and down all the time. All of this is very confusing for us girls and I have to admit myself that my first years of being a teen weren't great at all.

Those teenage years give the devil a great possibility to put us all down. We are indeed easy targets! He puts all kinds of thoughts in our heads like: "You are not beautiful" or "You worthless". And because we're such easy targets we will very easily start to believe those lies and even tend to live our lives based on them. We try to hide our insecurities behind masks like make up or behaviour that doesn't fit us. Here is a short video about this:

You really need to attack those lies with God's truth to prevent that the lies are going to take over your thoughts and eventually your whole life. It seems safe to wear a mask and to build up walls to protect you from pain and rejection, but it won't protect you at all and it will lock up your heart and destroy your ability to have true relationships with other people and with God. These lies are the most popular lies young girls and even mature women tend to believe even though they try not to:

- You are not beautiful
- You are worthless
- You will never be enough
- Nobody loves you
- You are not special at all
- Nobody wants you
- You are going to fail
- You are stupid

You need to get rid of those lies. Don't let it come so far that they're turning into reality for you. A lot of young girls hate themselves for no valid reason and even start cutting themselves. It makes me so sad! The devil tricked them into thinking they are worthless and ugly but they really aren't! Maybe you are one of those girls who wonders if anybody would miss you if you were gone... Well, there is a God in heaven who tries to tell you you're precious all the time but something in your mind has blocked his voice! You are so special to Him that He thinks about you every second of the day. He wants to give every good thing He has to you! You are his princess and you are beautiful and special and worthy! You're not a failure! God will help you, and protect you from all evil. These are the thoughts you have to fill your mind with! It will cast out all evil thoughts and bring you back to the Lord! To Jesus Christ! You may already have seen this video, but I really want to ask you to watch it one more time and let the words really pierce your heart.

You are awesome! Girls tend to crave for a boyfriend to tell her all this, but a boy isn't going to make your life complete. Jesus is the one who makes your life complete and you should focus on Him first! Spending time with God is very important for your personal development. Your identity is in Him! He can make you a woman of God and when the time is ready, you eventually will find the guy God made for you. Don't speed up this process, you need to be a complete and stable person before you can attach to another person and commit to him. Marriage isn't the main goal in life, it could be a means to eventually reach your main goal which is living a fruitful life for God and praise Him with everything you have. The bible says that you should first search for the Kingdom of God and then everything else shall be given to you. So don't worry about boys, one day you will find one. But it's no use to focus on boys right now. They will not make you complete and will not make you feel loved. They aren't even able to do that because they also struggle with all kinds of insecurities themselves! They need to do the same! Recover their identity in Christ and become a man of God!

So spend time with God as much as you can because He will lift you far above your circumstances and insecurities and give you love and a new identity. He will take off your mask. You are worth dying for, always remember that!

Hosea 2: 14-16 " But then I will win her back once again. I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there. I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope. She will give herself to me there, as she did long ago when she was young, when I freed her from her captivity in Egypt. When that day comes,” says the Lord,“you will call me ‘my husband’ instead of ‘my master."

May God bless you beautiful girl!

~ Rachèl

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